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Begin Your Journey With Nicky Today

Yoga to transform, to heal, and to help you become the best possible version of yourself.


"A dragonfly symbolises change, transformation, adaptability and self-realisation. The change that is often referred to has its source in mental and emotional maturity, in understanding the deeper meaning of life."


Hi there, I'm Nicky and a very warm welcome to Dragonfly Yoga. 

I am a qualified yoga instructor, through Yoga Alliance Professionals, and have been practicing for 30 years now. Starting in my late teens, I originally turned to yoga for physical reasons (namely to be slimmer and more flexible). A few classes in, I began to notice not only the physical benefits but the relaxation and meditation that came along with the practice. I was feeling more positive, less stressed and able to cope better with challenging life situations. 

So, I continued doing my own yoga practice and routines, attending classes until four years ago, in my late 40's, I felt compelled to give back to others. I wanted to help continue the magical experience that has helped me so much throughout my life. For others to feel the transformative impact of yoga, for themselves. I can honestly say yoga has helped me through all the challenges life has thrown at me so far and i am sure it will help me navigate my way through future challenges. It has opened my heart to joy, given me peace and a sense of equanimity.

I feel so honoured and so blessed to now be able to offer a yoga practice for anybody and everybody to enjoy. 

Yoga continues to be the mainstay element of my life, connecting me to my true self and helping me to heal each day so I can experience the life I was meant to live and give of my best to others. 

My offerings are from my heart, that authentic place inside of me, I offer a healing service to each one of my students, regardless of age, ability or openness to receive. Doing so, using a variety of yoga practices that are accessible to all. 

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  • To always start from where I am at that moment, to recognise that may be a different starting place from where I was the day before, or from where I may be tomorrow.

  • To provide a healing opportunity for each of my students. To start from where they are, to respect and recognise that everyone starts from their own unique place; which is exactly where they should be.

  • To know that I am enough and to live my life demonstrating as such, within the choices I make and in my relationships with others.

  • To walk the talk. To inspire students to be themselves and to keep a regular practice of asanas, pranayama, chanting and meditation.

  • To honour the traditions and roots of yoga, whilst also being open to new ways of practice, so that every student can experience the benefits of yoga.

  • To provide a variety of methods for delivering sessions, be that through classes, 1;1’s, workshops, and retreats.​


I started doing yoga in my early teens over 40years ago. Although I have had breaks from it, the sheer length of time, and the fact I've moved around the world a lot for work, means I've met and practised with a lot of yoga teachers. All are different. All approach their yoga practice and their coaching differently.   
What I have learned is that when you meet a teacher who honours the true meaning of yoga, you stay with them. A teacher who takes care to embody the fundamentals of the discipline at every stage, in every posture, both in their practice and their teaching. Whose coaching is always heartfelt, soothing and challenging all at the same time. When you meet a teacher like this you make them part of your life because they bring you inner calm and wellness and all the best that yoga means.
I've met only a few yoga teachers like this in my yoga journey, Nicky is one of them. I always feel privileged to be in her classes, to share mat time with her.      

Jo Clark


Yoga is not a work-out, it is a work-in.
And this is the point of spiritual practice; to make us teachable; to open up our hearts and focus our awareness so that we can know what we already know and be who we already are.

 – Rolf Gates


The body benefits from movement, and the mind benefits from stillness.

Sakyong Mipham


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